What happened to me at first did not surprise me. But now I'm worried, maybe I should see a psychoanalyst. The first time it happened to me, it was in adolescence. I remember that my boyfriend then was very happy, but then it caused him anguish. This condition I called "La Sed" in my native language ("Thirst" in English). It consists in an imperious desire to drink semen. But I'm not talking about a simple ejaculation, I'm talking about a lot of sperm. But it is not so simple, to quench that thirst, I must drink it directly from the penis, if it is otherwise, that feeling continues.Yes, I know, my story sounds like a porn tale created to excite people with little brain, but believe me when I tell you that this goes beyond an extremely great excitement or a fetish. Normally, I am a very hot woman, but I do not feel the need to drink anyone's ejaculation daily. Honestly, the semen smell is not very nice, is like ammonia. I enjoy intensely the pleasures that my body can give me, but drinking semen is not one of my favorites. For some women even, it can be very unpleasant, causing them to produce vomiting.Sometimes, and without prior notice, that sensation appears, "LA SED". My mouth, my stomach and my entire body, ask me for semen, as if drinking that elixir would depend my life. If I don´t quench the thirst, my life becomes altered, I can not concentrate, I can not do things as I should, not even sleep properly. As I said, at first, I was not surprised, I thought it was just desire and excitement, but this was out of bounds.Fortunately, it dosen´t happen every month, but when it comes it is inevitable, I must drink the semen that my body asks of me. In today's world, it's a serious problem. With the significant increase in sexually transmitted diseases, getting it is a total challenge. Fortunately I have a few trusted friends who I usually call for these periods. One of them makes fun of me by saying that I suffer from a rare type of lycanthropy, which occasionally turns me into a thirsty wolf of semen.For very lusty that I am in bed, are limits that I do not cross, for example, I don´t practice group sex, always sex between two. My problem with that rule is that the semen of a single man is not enough to satisfy my thirst. I usually spend hours stimulating the shift ejaculator to give me his cum several times. But as you know, the man must have a rest period between each ejaculation, that time is prolonged when I already extract the semen for the second time. Most of the time, each one of them can give me 3 cumshots of good quantity. If they reach a fourth cumshot, this is already very small. So I have to turn to another of my friends, or maybe 2 more (Separately, as I said). Because of that, "LA SED" can last up to 3 days.My wish is not suffer of this condition, there are times that have brought me serious problems in my work, because of the distraction it causes. In my favor, in the last time, a different man appeared in my life. He has the innate ability to ejaculate good amounts of semen and recharge his testicles and prostate quickly. The first time we made love, I was just in this period. So I was afraid to distress him with my "Demanding". The surprised was me, I could not believe that there was a man who could extinguish my desire to sow Him alone. In that marathon session, I calculate (I do not have a record) that ejaculated at least seven times between evening and night, all with large amounts of hot milk. But the really surprising thing is that he ejaculated 3 times in a row, for the fourth time and the next, he had to rest for a few moments, but he could give me what he needed.A long time passed without having another crisis. I'm still dating the guy I told you about. He is not the most attractive man who fucks me, in fact, is short and overweight. Also your penis is not even close to the biggest. Anyway, I must admit that more and more often I miss having his milk in my mouth, taste it and drink it. And all this without "LA SED"... I falling in love?
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